Thursday, September 23, 2010

Learnt something new today.
Just the basic one.
It's all about some editing terms and functions like clipboard, segment, first & last frames, GVG (Grass Valley Group), thumbnail, material group, playlist, commercials, promos, fillers and many many more.
Luckily I still can cope with it for today's part and got the chance to teach my 4 other group members.
We've to always help each other right. I know I'm very kind, thanks.

Besides learning and practicing for the editing part, I've got the chance to watch movies alongside.
Britain's Next Top Model, How I Met Your Mother, 90210, Ugly Betty, Rules of Engagement, ...
Tell you what, the pros of this job is to get to watch what audiences don't watch at home.
BNTM's got so many sexual, kissing, hugging, petting, nudity parts.
lol, I know the guys out there are envy-ing me. :D

The pits of this job is I've to drive home by myself to & after work. It’s an hour drive from my work to home and well….. I need to wake up early in the morning and get back home late.

I need time to get used to it, but with the new job and driving by myself to work on time and get back home well-timed by speeding…..all these emotions- nervousness, stress…makes me feel like my heart is palpitating at a fast rate the whole time ... and I’ve only worked for 4 days! I really don’t know whether I can handle it.

But I know I’m not a quiter…..I just have to get used to this lifestyle.


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Dance With Different Movements!

I can dance!!!

See this link!!

I bet you will laugh!


Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I started work at ASTRO 2 days ago. It’s not that hectic for the last 2 days cos its our Induction Programme. Just to sound more glamorous, ASTRO called Induction as Onboarding. Basically it's the same meaning. lol

Will start my actual job training tomorrow onwards. My working hours for these 2 or 3 months is from 9am-6pm as it's a training period for new hires. After that will be on shift basis, 7am-7pm or 7pm-7am. The work hours are long and crazy…. Especially night shift, I'm pretty sure I can't cope with it, I'll sleep in front of the system. I tell you seriously now. hehe!

Will let you guys know what I'm actually doing in ASTRO after few more days/weeks of training, in case you want to find out more.
It's all about editing TV programmes which you watch in the ASTRO channels.
Before the audiences watch it at home, edit the programmes is our job.
In the sense of violent, sexual scene, naked scene, political issue, cultural and so.

And here, there's something interesting to let my dear readers have a look.
You might have comments on why I were to capture all those words.
It's solely for entertaining, no harsh pin-pointing on anyone k.

This is one of the censorship guideline booklets that my trainer asked us to read.

And guess what?
I found something which is ATTENTION-GRABBING.




































































Funny right? It's written in the booklet.
I kept laughing when I see this and my group members said that I'm crazy.
I even learnt Hindi and Tamil profanities.


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Slide Away at Empire Galllery!

Empire Gallery is having this long long indoor-slither. For what reason, IDK.
Maybe is because:
(1) To attract more people to shop at EG;
(2) To make their visitor's shopping time experience more enjoyable;
(3) To let those slothful shoppers just slip down from the top to ground floor; haha
(4) Or to become EG's landmark.
Lol, solely based on my own assumptions yea. :D

FYI, its length is about 4 floors high. super long.
Oh ya, Singapore Changi Airport is having this slide too! Cool right.

I guess the rides cost a pretty penny - each swish down the slide might cost RM20 or less?
I've no idea cos the slide is not open to public yet.
You may go check it out in a short period of time!
May kick off soon. Or may not. heh!



Friday, September 17, 2010

Woke up.
First day of work.

Got myself prepared.

Drove all the way to Bukit Jalil.

In order to avoid jam, out of blue, reached ASTRO.
So what to do since I start my work at 9am??
Siesta inside the car alone. Oh dear pathetic me.
But the weather was nice, heavy rain and breezy as well.

To be honest, was actually spending my time today waiting, waiting, and waiting for nothing.
First, wait sequentially to get a photo of us for the access pass.
Then, wait again to collect the pass on spot.

My pass. Blured the number for security purpose.
I know I look dark at here.
Screw the camera, not my prob kay! teehee

Given that I will be based at both places, Technology Park and CyberJaya, hence I'll be getting another green pass as well.
After acquiring the pass, we (5 of us, I'm the only Chinese. I'm happy enough cos the Indians and Malays are so friendly) headed to our department.
Guess what? We waited for like freaking 5 hours for the trainer plus the department was having a shoot, thus we can't simply walk around.
Sat at the couch for nothing. A piece of SHIT!
I almost fall asleep you see.


Next Monday and Tuesday is our Induction programme. And I'm so so looking forward to it!
Especially the employees benefits' part. -.-

Till then, take care!


Monday, September 13, 2010

Full Stop.

4 more days till I officially step into the real working life.
sigh. Full stop to my honeymoon period. :(
Guess I'm enough with my holidays. Perhaps a long long workings without break in a year??
Let's see how tough am I. hehehe...

I'm so so free these few days. I'm bored staying at home and don't even know what to do.
Watching tv seems to be my things-to-do at the moment.
Oh ya, watched Grown Ups the other day.
I tell you, it's damn hilarious. seriously.
It has been such a long time I never laugh till so mad in the cinema throughout the movie.
To be precise, normally I'll laugh very gently. But this time I cannot tahan myself, I triple up myself, at the top of my voice. wtf rite.

Personally, I'm fond of Adam Sandler & Kevin James starring's movie.
Quite a few movies which have both of them are funny. No lie.
The next movie I plan to watch is Piranha. A lot of blood-spattered scenes, which I akin to as well.
I'm abnormal one, hahaha!

Random thought: I'm already thinking when's the 3rd time I'll be going to Taiwan again, I think I'm falling in love with Taiwan already. fml. I've been following with the tour for the 1st time and I think the tour guide brought us to all the expensive dining & shopping places which I don't like it.
But for the 2nd time, I went along with friends as if we were backpackers, surprisingly, I had more fun! Wish I can get my butt to Taiwan (other places also can larhh, definitely not inside Malaysia) again in year 2012. Teehee


Thursday, September 9, 2010


Went to Look Out Point yesterday night in order to celebrate Kian Ming's birthday.
I wanted to go to this place such long time ago but the problem is none of our friends know how to reach there due to its intricate setting.
So yesterday night after having our dinner at BBQ plaza, all of us decided to have a movie.
Since we didn't book tix online, hence you can guess wads the dilemma we faced.
No seats for the movie we wanted to watch.
No choice. Proceed to plan B.
Yea, sing k.
RM 48 per pax - sing till 4am, which is impossible + freaking expensive. Thus plan B called off.
Sudden decision, LookOutPoint!

The boyfie's friend, Jason, knows how to get there. Without hesitation, off we go.

Michelle of the day. The look of excited - tried SHISHA first time in my life!!
I know I'm outdated. teehee
wootswoots :D

Double Apple flavour.

Can't really see the smoke cos the hp sucks.

The birthday boy - Kian Ming. And perhaps his future gf - Wai Wai???

Jazz & Sean.

The grey shirt guy - Jason, is an expert in SHISHA.
He smokes SHISHA twice in a week.
So much smokes out from his mouth while ours is little.

Gift for the birthday boy of the night - Smoked 3 SHISHAs in a time for 10 seconds then blow it out!

That's all for now.

Selamat Hari Raya and Happy Holiday to everyone! Cheers.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Skip the ever-fun Taiwan's post first, excuse me.
Pics were all uploaded in my facebook, feel free to enjoy the scene.

Will be start working in ASTRO next week onwards, as an Associate, Presentation Editor.
When I received my offer letter today, I was shocked to see the word ASSOCIATE.
I mean like I'm just a fresh graduate and I don't know anything in rolling the playbacks or so but then I'm given an ASSOCIATE position. fml. To me, I think I should be given a position named OFFICER instead.
If I've done anything wrong, I afraid I can't bear with the consequences.
On the other hand, it also means that I should pay 100% or more concentration on my work for their beliefs on me.

Still struggling whether to stay around that place or go-and-back everyday from Klang.
But at the moment, I will choose to stay at home first then see how things go.
Living outside is costly and I think its better to stay at home, the only problem is the distance. long long way you see.
I'm so stressed out thinking of this matter these few days.
Dear God, can you please give me some direction?

At the same time, I'm scared of my new/first official job too, I don't know whether I can handle it well or not.
I really need lucks from you guys.
So wish me luck people! Thanks!


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Click Click Click!

Hi people,
Please click on the ads unlimited-times below by showing me your ultimate support.
Srsly, I need your clicksss!!
Get into my blog page whenever you're in front of the laptop no matter I've update it or not.
Just click into the ads provided. As much clicks as possible.
Then your job is done! :D
This is the only motivation for me to continue blogging.
Oh dear how pathetic!



Thursday, September 2, 2010

Welcome Back

I'm back from the shopping paradise, Taiwan!

Will try my best to update about it, but not sure when is it. Cos I've so many things to deal with.
I wish I'm traveling all the time without worrying other things. Life will be perfect by then.

