Monday, September 13, 2010

Full Stop.

4 more days till I officially step into the real working life.
sigh. Full stop to my honeymoon period. :(
Guess I'm enough with my holidays. Perhaps a long long workings without break in a year??
Let's see how tough am I. hehehe...

I'm so so free these few days. I'm bored staying at home and don't even know what to do.
Watching tv seems to be my things-to-do at the moment.
Oh ya, watched Grown Ups the other day.
I tell you, it's damn hilarious. seriously.
It has been such a long time I never laugh till so mad in the cinema throughout the movie.
To be precise, normally I'll laugh very gently. But this time I cannot tahan myself, I triple up myself, at the top of my voice. wtf rite.

Personally, I'm fond of Adam Sandler & Kevin James starring's movie.
Quite a few movies which have both of them are funny. No lie.
The next movie I plan to watch is Piranha. A lot of blood-spattered scenes, which I akin to as well.
I'm abnormal one, hahaha!

Random thought: I'm already thinking when's the 3rd time I'll be going to Taiwan again, I think I'm falling in love with Taiwan already. fml. I've been following with the tour for the 1st time and I think the tour guide brought us to all the expensive dining & shopping places which I don't like it.
But for the 2nd time, I went along with friends as if we were backpackers, surprisingly, I had more fun! Wish I can get my butt to Taiwan (other places also can larhh, definitely not inside Malaysia) again in year 2012. Teehee


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